Map of migrations in Antiquity, from the collection of Maps of prehistoric migrations.
For context and reference, please read the book on Indo-European and Uralic migrations.
Click on each file to open or download the full version.
Current version: 4.6 (March 2021)

Maps of Y-DNA, mtDNA, and ADMIXTURE
Y-DNA data (PDF). 28 March 2020.
OpenLayers Y-DNA Map (slow to load!). 10 June 2020.
mtDNA data (PDF). 28 March 2020.
OpenLayers mtDNA Map (slow to load!). 3 June 2020.
ADMIXTURE K=7 (PDF). December 2019.
Older files:

Image with no labels (JPG). January 2019.
Older versions
Third version: September 2017

Second version: May 2017

First version: February 2017

Older versions: 2007